antiSMASH suite API

Welcome to the antiSMASH API documentation. Here you will find how to interact with the antiSMASH suite's services using REST API calls.

antiSMASH web service

This section describes how to interact with the antiSMASH web service running at

Submit a job

Job submissions to antiSMASH use a multipart/form-data content type, as this is the only way to upload files that is supported by all browsers.

Property Description
ncbi (either 1 ) GenBank/RefSeq ID of a DNA sequence to download from NCBI ( string )
seq (or 1 ) GenBank/EMBL/FASTA file to run the analysis on ( file )
gff3 IFF seq is provided and a FASTA file, a GFF3 file with annotations is accepted. ( file )
email Email address to send notifications to ( string )
minimal Make this a cluster detection only job ( boolean )
smcogs Run the smCoG detection ( boolean )
asf Run with ActiveSiteFinder detection ( boolean )
tta Detect TTA codons ( boolean )
clusterblast Run ClusterBlast ( boolean )
knownclusterblast Run KnownClusterBlast ( boolean )
subclusterblast Run SubClusterBlast ( boolean )
fullhmmer Run full-genome PFAM analysis ( boolean )
borderpredict Run the ClusterFinder algorithm for cluster border detection ( boolean )
inclusive Run the ClusterFinder algorithm ( boolean )
cf_cdsnr Minimum size of a ClusterFinder cluster, in number of CDS ( integer )
cf_npfams Minimum number of biosynthetic Pfam domains in a ClusterFinder cluster ( integer )
cf_threshold ClusterFinder mean probability threshold ( float )
genefinder Which gene finder to use if needed ( string , allowed values none , prodigal , prodigal-m )
cassis (fungismash only 2 ) Run CASSIS algorithm for cluster border prediction ( boolean )
  1. One of ncbi or seq is required to run a job. If both are provided, the uploaded file is ignored.
  2. Only available for fungiSMASH, ignored in bacterial mode

The response is a JSON object containing the antiSMASH ID of the created job.


Example request

$ http --form ncbi=Y16952

Example response

    "id": "bacteria-30fca1a2-c602-11e7-baf0-c717fe9be382"

Query job status

Query the status of a running job

Once the job has completed successfully (state will be done), the result contains a result_url member, giving the relative URL of the result's index.html file.


Example request


Example response

    "uid": "bacteria-30fca1a2-c602-11e7-baf0-c717fe9be382",
    "added": "2017-11-10 11:13:34.749706",
    "added_ts": "2017-11-10T11:13:34Z",
    "asf": "True",
    "borderpredict": "False",
    "cassis": "False",
    "cf_cdsnr": "5",
    "cf_npfams": "5",
    "cf_threshold": "0.6",
    "clusterblast": "False",
    "dispatcher": "nbc04-A",
    "download": "Y16952",
    "email": "",
    "filename": "Y16952.gbk",
    "fullhmmer": "False",
    "genefinder": "prodigal",
    "inclusive": "False",
    "jobtype": "antismash4",
    "knownclusterblast": "True",
    "last_changed": "2017-11-10 11:13:42.016316",
    "last_changed_ts": "2017-11-10T11:13:42Z",
    "minimal": "False",
    "molecule": "nucl",
    "molecule_type": "nucl",
    "short_status": "running",
    "smcogs": "True",
    "state": "running",
    "status": "running: Predicting NRPS A domain substrate specificities with SANDPUMA",
    "subclusterblast": "True",
    "taxon": "bacteria",
    "tta": "False"
    "uid": "bacteria-30fca1a2-c602-11e7-baf0-c717fe9be382",
    "state": "done",
    "result_url": "/upload/bacteria-30fca1a2-c602-11e7-baf0-c717fe9be382/index.html",

antiSMASH database

These API calls can be used to interact with the antiSMASH database.

Get the statistics

Get some statistics on all entries in the database.


Example request

$ http

Example response

    "clusters": [
            "count": 7893,
            "description": "Nonribosomal peptide",
            "name": "nrps"
            "count": 5198,
            "description": "Bacteriocin or other unspecified RiPP",
            "name": "bacteriocin"
    "num_clusters": 32548,
    "num_genomes": 24776,
    "num_sequences": 1210854,
    "top_secmet_assembly_id": "GCF_001542625.1",
    "top_secmet_species": "Streptomyces griseochromogenes ATCC 14511",
    "top_secmet_taxon": 68214,
    "top_secmet_taxon_count": 49,
    "top_seq_species": "Escherichia coli",
    "top_seq_taxon": 562,
    "top_seq_taxon_count": 26339

Search in the antiSMASH database.

Property Description
query (either 1 ) a query JSON object like used from the 'query builder' page
search_string (or 1 ) a string search like used from the 'simple query' page
offset (optional) integer specifying the offset into the search
paginate (optional) integer specifying how many entries to return
  1. One of query or search_string is required to run a search. If both are provided, the search_string is ignored.

The properties are the same for both the search and export endpoints, but the valid values vary a bit.

A query object has three properties:

Property Description
search only cluster is valid for the /api/v1.0/search endpoint
return_type only json is valid for the /api/v1.0/search endpoint
terms a recursive binary tree of search terms.

There are two different types of search terms:


Possible operations are AND, OR and EXCEPT. They are used to build up more complicated searches.

Operations have four properties:

Property Description
term_type needs to be op
operation one of and , or , or except
left a valid Term object
rigt a valid Term object


Expressions are leaf nodes for the binary tree that define a search parameter.

Expressions have three properties:

Property Description
term_type needs to be expr
category any of the allowed search categories
term a search term to search the category with

Example request

$ http query:='{"search": "cluster", "return_type": "json", "terms": {"term_type": "op", "operation": "and", "left": {"term_type": "op", "operation": "or", "left": {"term_type": "expr", "category": "genus", "term": "rhodococcus"}, "right": {"term_type": "expr", "category": "genus", "term": "streptomyces"}}, "right": {"term_type": "expr", "category": "type", "term": "terpene"}}}' offset=0 paginate=50

Example request body

    "query": {
        "search": "cluster",
        "return_type": "json",
        "terms": {
            "term_type": "op",
            "operation": "and",
            "left": {
                "term_type": "op",
                "operation": "or",
                "left": {
                    "term_type": "expr",
                    "category": "genus",
                    "term": "rhodococcus"
                "right": {
                    "term_type": "expr",
                    "category": "genus",
                    "term": "streptomyces"
            "right": {
                "term_type": "expr",
                "category": "type",
                "term": "terpene"
    "offset": 0,
    "paginate": 50

Example response

    "clusters": [
            "acc": "NC_012490",
            "assembly_id": "GCF_000010105",
            "bgc_id": 9919,
            "cbh_acc": "BGC0000268_c1",
            "cbh_description": "Sch47554/Sch47555",
            "cbh_rank": 1,
            "cluster_number": 8,
            "contig_edge": false,
            "description": "Hybrid cluster: Nonribosomal peptide & Terpene",
            "end_pos": 3314570,
            "genus": "Rhodococcus",
            "minimal": false,
            "similarity": 5,
            "species": "erythropolis",
            "start_pos": 3257160,
            "strain": "PR4 (= NBRC 100887)",
            "term": "nrps-terpene hybrid",
            "version": 1
            "acc": "NC_012490",
            "assembly_id": "GCF_000010105",
            "bgc_id": 9923,
            "cbh_acc": "BGC0000664_c1",
            "cbh_description": "Isorenieratene",
            "cbh_rank": 1,
            "cluster_number": 12,
            "contig_edge": false,
            "description": "Terpene",
            "end_pos": 3928673,
            "genus": "Rhodococcus",
            "minimal": false,
            "similarity": 42,
            "species": "erythropolis",
            "start_pos": 3907728,
            "strain": "PR4 (= NBRC 100887)",
            "term": "terpene",
            "version": 1
    "offset": 0,
    "paginate": 50,
    "stats": {
        "clusters_by_phylum": {
            "data": [
            "labels": [
        "clusters_by_type": {
            "data": [
            "labels": [
    "total": 4009


Export entries from the antiSMASH database.

Property Description
query (either 1 ) a query JSON object like used from the 'query builder' page
search_string (or 1 ) a string search like used from the 'simple query' page
offset (optional) integer specifying the offset into the search
paginate (optional) integer specifying how many entries to return
  1. One of query or search_string is required to run a search. If both are provided, the search_string is ignored.

The properties are the same for both the search and export endpoints, but the valid values vary a bit.

A query object has three properties:

Property Description
search One of cluster , gene , or domain
return_type One of json , csv , fasta , or fastaa
terms a recursive binary tree of search terms.

The cluster search type searches entire clusters, just like in the HTML output. gene and domain search CDS features and protein domains annotated on the genomes instead.

The json return type returns the same information as on the /api/v1.0/search endpoint. csv returns the same information in a tab-separated value format. fasta returns a DNA fasta file of all hits, fastaa returns a protein fasta file of all hits.

Terms work as described above.


Example request

$ http query:='{"search": "cluster", "return_type": "csv", "terms": {"term_type": "op", "operation": "and", "left": {"term_type": "op", "operation": "or", "left": {"term_type": "expr", "category": "genus", "term": "rhodococcus"}, "right": {"term_type": "expr", "category": "genus", "term": "streptomyces"}}, "right": {"term_type": "expr", "category": "type", "term": "terpene"}}}' offset=0 paginate=50

Example request body

    "query": {
        "search": "cluster",
        "return_type": "csv",
        "terms": {
            "term_type": "op",
            "operation": "and",
            "left": {
                "term_type": "op",
                "operation": "or",
                "left": {
                    "term_type": "expr",
                    "category": "genus",
                    "term": "rhodococcus"
                "right": {
                    "term_type": "expr",
                    "category": "genus",
                    "term": "streptomyces"
            "right": {
                "term_type": "expr",
                "category": "type",
                "term": "terpene"
    "offset": 0,
    "paginate": 50

Example response

#Genus	Species	Strain	NCBI accession	Cluster number	BGC type	From	To	On contig edge	Fast mode only	Most similar known cluster	Similarity in %	MIBiG BGC-ID	Results URL	Download URL
Rhodococcus	erythropolis	PR4 (= NBRC 100887)	NC_012490.1	8	nrps-terpene hybrid	3257160	3314570	False	False	Sch47554/Sch47555	5	BGC0000268_c1
Rhodococcus	erythropolis	PR4 (= NBRC 100887)	NC_012490.1	12	terpene	3907728	3928673	False	False	Isorenieratene	42	BGC0000664_c1
Streptomyces	griseus	NBRC 13350	NC_010572.1	1	terpene	47131	72706	False	False	Isorenieratene	100	BGC0000664_c1
Show examples in:
SecMet API Documentation